FOUR Amazon Echo Dot for $80+tax at – Requires $100 off $200 coupon (ebay/mail) and Visa Checkout $20 off $75!

Rating: 0 Posted By: TrueKnight
Views: 248 Replies: 4

FOUR AmazonEcho Dot for $ 20 each plus tax. Check your mail for a Yellow Quill postcard coupon that says $ 100 off $ 200 order. As of this posting, there is also a coupon for sale on eBayfor $ 12.95.

1. Go to and add Four AmazonEcho Dots (your choice of White or Black).
2. AddItem # 901-72385 paper clips as filler to push the total ($ 199.96) over $ 200.
3. Use Visa Checkout to save an additional $ 20 [QG9DLR43]
4. Free shipping over $ 45.
5. My total came out to be just over $ 88 including tax shipped to Los Angeles, CA

If you bought the $ 12.95 coupon from eBay,your total for 4 units should come out to be about $ 101 or $ 25ish each. Hot Deals

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