MOTOR CITY FREE GEEK – Volunteer 24 Hours and “Earn” a Free Computer – Royal Oak, MI

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Motor City Free Geek takes in donated computers and Build Program volunteers refurbish them with care. Some of these computers are then adopted out in exchange for 24 hours ofvolunteer servicein our recycling facility. This is called the:Adoption Program.

The computer systems, called FreeBoxes, are loaded with the Ubuntu Linux operating system and other free and open source software.

The use of free and open source software enables a FreeBox computer to run at speeds which compare very favorably with newer machines using commercial software. FreeBox computers, while primarily intended for word processing and internet use, include a wide range of application software, such as an image editor, presentation manager, spreadsheet, data base, and so on. Advanced tools are available to help those who cant resist the urge tolearn even more about computers.

As an Adoption Program volunteer you will disassemble computers and other donated hardware in preparation for recycling. The Adoption Program can accommodate a wide range of skills and well make sure you can effectively spend the time necessary to earn your computer. No computer experience is needed to take part in this program.

After you’ve completed 16 hours of service, you may register for a class on how to use your computer. After completing the class you can then take a new-to-you computer home with you. You may also be eligible for one year of tech support by computer service interns but to qualify you have to complete the introductory class.

To register for this program, contact the Adoption Program coordinator who will ask you to fill out an application and schedule an interview at Email:

Motor City Free Geek
4000 Crooks Rd.,Suite 100H
Royal Oak, MI 48073

Role EMail Contact Information
Adoption Program Coordinator
Build Program Coordinator
Internship Program Coordinator
Operations Program Coordinator

They Are Not Alone – Click Here for location links
We take inspiration from these other Free Geek organizations…

Portland, Oregon
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Central Florida
Chicago, Illinois
Columbus, Ohio
South Bend, Indiana
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Providence, Rhode Island
Olympia, Washington

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